Collective agreement for road freight transportation

In this post, we are going to talk about the collective bargaining agreement for road freight transport. But first, let’s talk about collective bargaining agreements. Do we know what exactly a collective bargaining agreement is? How does it affect us?

A collective agreement is a source of regulations that govern the duties and rights that exist in the relationship between an employer and an employee. Depending on the profession or the minimums established, certain things can be agreed upon, with both parties reaching an agreement.

The collective agreement is a legal norm and a labor right that regulates the working conditions in the labor sector within the territorial scope and is mandatory, thus binding both parties (employee and employer).

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Road Freight Transportation

As we have indicated above, the collective bargaining agreement regulates the working conditions of the workers and in the transport sector it affects not only its workers, but also the carriers, which is the latest improvement in the collective bargaining agreement for the transport of goods by road.

The last update at the national level took place on September 7, 2020, in which they wanted to facilitate the management of the company, the quality of life of its employees, in particular its drivers, and to encourage the recruitment of driving personnel.

This agreement is valid until December 31, 2021, when it will be reviewed again and new measures will be presented in order to reach new agreements on both sides.

Collective agreements are reviewed at the state level before their effective date to reach agreements again.

Collective bargaining agreement for the transport of goods by road Madrid

At the autonomous community level, the communities have their own collective bargaining agreements reached by the UGT and CCOO union representatives.

In the event that a community does not have a Collective Bargaining Agreement, it would resort to the Agreement established at the state level.

For example, the Madrid agreement indicates everything related to the night bonus, per diems, vacations, working hours… But in the event that this agreement does not exist, you would have to resort to the agreement established by the BOE, where it is also indicated.

In this latest update, a salary increase of 1.5% for 2021 has been agreed upon, along with a new calculation formula for regular working hours. In turn, a CPI-equivalent increase has been established as of 2022 with a maximum limit of 0.75%.

Also, an agreement has been reached regarding partial retirement, which is voluntary on the part of the companies, who will have to negotiate with their workers the reduction of the working day and the way in which their residual working day is to be provided.

Directorate General of Transport of Madrid (DGT)

The DGT (Directorate-General for Traffic) has exhaustively classified all collective agreements that affect the transportation and logistics industry. A look at their website can clarify any doubts that may arise regarding the agreements that may apply to us.

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