General Terms and Conditions

Tabla de contenidos




1. Object of the Contract

The carrier undertakes to transport the goods using authorized vehicles (No. 11576282/MDPE) or subcontracting other carriers under its authorization (No. 12393336/OT).

2. Packaging and documentation of goods

The shipper, i.e., the customer contracting with Transvolando, is responsible for packaging, packing, and labeling the goods. Damages caused to the cargo as a result of insufficient or inadequate packaging for the type of goods to be transported or similar causes shall in any case be borne by the SHIPPER.

If during the transport damage is reflected in the goods, both at origin and at destination, this type of damage must be indicated on the delivery note, this is an essential requirement to meet any claim, as well as to report to the insurance and to carry out all the appropriate procedures.

The pallets must be correctly packed and identified detailing sender, consignee and number of pallets in the shipment.

The shipper shall provide all necessary documentation for the transportation.

The shipper, in this case the client, shall carry out loading/unloading operations in the quickest and most efficient manner.

The carrier, in this case TRANSVOLANDO, S.L., may demand compensation for downtime if the wait exceeds one hour, according to art. 22.3 of Law 15/2009, unless a standard or premium package with longer loading and unloading times has been contracted, or there is any other special agreement, in writing, in this regard.

3. Commitments of the parties in relation to delivery

The shipper shall deliver the goods as indicated in the loading order, consignment note, or delivery note.

The carrier shall deliver the goods at the destination according to the aforementioned documents.

4. Loading and unloading

The shipper shall carry out loading/unloading operations in the quickest and most efficient manner.

The carrier may demand compensation for downtime if the wait exceeds one hour, according to art. 22.3 of Law 15/2009, unless a standard or premium package with longer loading and unloading times has been contracted, or there is any other special agreement, in writing, in this regard.

The carrier enjoys autonomy in its business activity, subject to the conditions of the contract.

6. Merchandise insurance

Both parties undertake to have cargo insurance during the contract period, with the cargo insured in accordance with the terms established by the LOTT.

7. Price and payment terms

The shipper shall pay the carrier the price agreed upon in accordance with this document and the conditions established prior to the start of the transport, except for recurring customers with credit assigned by our insurance company, which shall be in accordance with the agreed special payment term, which shall be a maximum of 60 days after the goods have been made available at destination.

The parties agree that, in case of an incident in a specific service, the carrier’s maximum liability to the shipper shall be 10% of the agreed price for said service.

The price may be adjusted for fuel price variations in accordance with current regulations.

8. Liability and force majeure

Liability is governed by Law 15/2009, the LOTT, and the general conditions of contracting.

Delays due to force majeure, including: traffic accidents, tire punctures or blowouts, impediments to free circulation (such as demonstrations, road closures, adverse weather conditions, etc.), which must be communicated to the shipper as soon as possible, shall expressly exempt the carrier from liability for such delays.

9. Communications

All communications shall be sent by a reliable means that provides evidence of such communication.

10. Contract Cancellation, Cancellation Indemnities

Normal transportation:

  • If the trip is canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice, 50% of the trip price will be charged, with a minimum cancellation fee of 400€.
  • Exception: For trips originating in Andalusia and Extremadura, cancellation must be made with less than 48 hours’ notice.

Transports with generic permits:

  • If the trip is canceled with less than 48 hours’ notice, 50% of the trip price will be charged, with a minimum cancellation fee of 500 per trip.
  • This applies to platforms or trailers of 6 meters.

Transportation with special permits:

  • If the trip is canceled with less than 48 hours’ notice, 50% of the trip price will be charged, with a minimum cancellation fee of 500 per vehicle.
  • In addition, there will be an increase of 210 per permit and expenses for a pilot car if necessary (minimum cost of the permit €210).

Extra-size gondolas (as tube holders):

  • 50% of the trip price will be charged, with a minimum cancellation fee of 600€.
  • The maximum will be the travel costs incurred by the vehicle until loading and return to the base at €1.50/km plus pilot car expenses (minimum cost of €210).

In addition, if cancellations occur after 3:00 PM on the business day immediately preceding the trip, the cancellation cost will be 100% of the trip amount, with the minimum amounts and costs mentioned above.

All this unless agreed in writing with the Transvolando agent.

11. Application of regulations

In the absence of specific provisions, the general conditions of contracting for road freight transportation published by the competent Ministry and the Land Freight Transportation Contract Law shall apply.

12. Termination of the contract

The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement or due to justified non-compliance by any of the parties.

13. Confidentiality and data protection

All confidential information shall be treated as such and shall only be used for the proper implementation of this contract.

Personal data shall be used and protected in accordance with the GDPR by both parties.

14. Jurisdiction

In the event of any dispute arising from this contract, the parties shall submit to the jurisdiction of the Arbitration Boards of Madrid.


By means of this and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), we provide you with the following detailed information on the processing of personal data:

Data Controller

Your data will become part of a file owned by Transvolando, S.L., with VAT/ID number: B87450003 and registered address at: C/ Empleo, 28 – Nave 10, 28906 – Getafe (Madrid).

Purpose of Processing

To develop and fulfill the obligations stipulated in the contract, or legal-commercial relationship, that links you with Transvolando, S.L.

Data Retention

Your data will be retained for a minimum period of five years.


The legitimacy for collecting your data is based on the signed contract or your legal-commercial relationship with Transvolando, S.L.


Your data will not be transferred for purposes other than those described above, except for legal obligation, although they may be transmitted to service providers linked by processing contract with Transvolando, S.L.


You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, limitation, portability, and opposition to the processing of your data under certain circumstances, in which case they will only be retained for compliance with legally established obligations.

To exercise the aforementioned rights, you must contact Transvolando, S.L., with VAT/ID number: B87450003 and registered address at: C/ Empleo, 28 – Nave 10, 28906 – Getafe (Madrid).

Likewise, we inform you that the Spanish Data Protection Agency is the competent authority for safeguarding these rights.

To keep the data updated, the customer must report any changes that occur.

Confidentiality Commitment

Likewise, in accordance with article 32 of the GDPR, regarding the duty of professional secrecy, Transvolando, S.L. undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of personal data, this obligation remaining after the termination, for any reason, of the relationship between you and Transvolando, S.L.



The transportation contract shall be governed by the terms and conditions set forth in this document, and the following abbreviations and definitions shall apply to all its contents:

“Shipment”: represents the goods that the shipper simultaneously delivers to the carrier for transportation and delivery to a single consignee, from a single place of loading to a single place of destination.

“Transportation”: includes both transportation itself and related operations and activities.

“Prohibited Articles”: refers to merchandise or material whose transportation is prohibited by law, rule or regulation in the countries through which the transportation will pass.

“Package” means each distinct material unit of cargo forming part of the goods being transported, regardless of its volume, dimensions and contents.

“Other Services”: includes additional services provided by the transport operator, such as warehousing, sorting, grading, assembly, packaging, installation and value-added services.

“We”, “Us”, “Our” or simply “Us”: refers to Transvolando, S.L., including group companies and their employees, agents, correspondents and dependents.

“You” or “Your” or “Your(s)”: means the shipper, consignor or consignee of the goods, as applicable. “You” or “Your(s)”: means the shipper, consignor or consignee of the goods, as applicable.


The transportation contract is formalized with Transvolando, S.L. or with its subsidiary or affiliate that accepts your shipment. Additionally, please note that we may subcontract part or all of the transportation according to the terms and conditions we deem appropriate.


By delivering your shipment, you accept the Terms and Conditions set forth in the contract of carriage on behalf of yourself and interested third parties. You acknowledge that such terms may be invoked by TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. or any subcontractor. No employee, agent, or correspondent has the authority to modify these terms. Conflicting verbal or written instructions are contractually invalid.


These terms and conditions govern the transportation of your shipment, regardless of the nature of the contract.

By entering into any contract of carriage of goods with us, you agree that:

  • The contract is for road transport if transportation is carried out by this means.
  • The contract is for air transport if transportation is carried out by air.
  • The contract is for sea transport if transportation is carried out by sea.
  • The contract is for other services if it is related to services other than transportation.


Salvo en las circunstancias establecidas en los párrafos 5.2 y 5.3, ni transportamos ni prestamos ningún otro servicio relativo a mercancías que consideremos (a nuestro libre criterio) o sean clasificables como peligrosas según las instrucciones técnicas de la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (ICAO), las regulaciones de la Asociación Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA) sobre mercancías peligrosas, el código Marítimo Internacional de Mercaderías Peligrosas (IMDG), las regulaciones del Acuerdo Europeo sobre transporte internacional de Mercancías Peligrosas por Carretera (ADR) u otras regulaciones aplicables.

Únicamente si usted recibe la aprobación como cliente (lo cual requiere dirigirse a nuestra delegación más cercana), podremos eventualmente evaluar de manera discreta la aceptación de mercancías peligrosas para su transporte o como parte de otros servicios.
En todo caso, su envío estará sujeto a un cargo adicional y deberá cumplir con la normativa correspondiente (consulte la cláusula 5.1) y con nuestros propios requisitos. Our nearest branch will provide you with all necessary additional information.

5.3. Certain dangerous goods are exempt from approved customer requirements. Details can be obtained at the nearest TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. branch office.

Al completar nuestra carta de porte o al entregarnos su envío, usted garantiza implícitamente y bajo su responsabilidad que el envío no contiene ningún artículo prohibido según lo especificado en el anexo 17 de la ICAO u otras regulaciones nacionales o internacionales.
Además, debe proporcionar una descripción detallada del contenido del envío en la carta de porte o documento de acompañamiento, sin que esto lo exima de responsabilidad.

Usted nos autoriza a someter sus envíos a controles de seguridad, como el uso de equipos de rayos X, detectores de explosivos u otros métodos de seguridad. Likewise, you authorize us to open and inspect your shipment and packages in transit.

Usted certifica que ha preparado el envío para su transporte, o para cualquier otro servicio por nosotros, en instalaciones seguras, utilizando empleados de su confianza contratados por usted; y que el envío ha sido protegido contra interferencias no autorizadas durante su preparación, almacenamiento y transporte inmediatamente antes de que aceptemos el envío para su transporte o para la realización de otro servicio por nosotros.

No aceptamos envíos que contengan artículos prohibidos.

Podemos estar obligados a proporcionar o compartir información, incluidos datos personales de sus envíos, tanto con las autoridades de los países de destino como con las autoridades de los países de tránsito, por razones de control aduanero y/o de seguridad.
En este caso, usted nos autoriza a facilitar dicha información y datos.


6.1. You, as the sole responsible party, guarantee full and timely compliance with all applicable export control legislation. This includes, among others, regulations prohibiting unauthorized trade in military and strategic goods and services, as well as commercial or financial arrangements with specific individuals and entities in countries of origin and/or destination of your shipments. Also included are regulations that impose conditions on the transport of certain technologies, information or products through any country to which your shipment may be carried.

Usted garantiza que no nos entregará ningún envío si usted o alguna de las partes involucradas en el mismo están incluidas en alguna lista de los programas de sanciones de Naciones Unidas, o cualquier otro programa, nacional o regional que complemente o implemente los detallados, al igual que cualquier miembro listado en regulaciones de medidas autónomas.

6.3. You agree to identify shipments subject to pre-export regulatory controls, and to provide us with the information and documentation necessary to comply with applicable regulations.

Usted es responsable y ha de asumir el coste de la averiguación y obtención de las licencias y permisos necesarios para el transporte de su envío, así como de asegurarse de la idoneidad del consignatario para recibir el envío, con arreglo a las leyes del país de origen, destino y de cualquier otro país que pueda arrogarse jurisdicción sobre el envío.

No nos hacemos responsables de sus actos u omisiones en relación a la legislación en materia de controles a la exportación, sanciones, medidas restrictivas o embargos.


You consent that we or any governmental authority, including customs and security, may open and inspect your shipment at any time.


Delivery times specified in our literature do not include weekends, holidays, customs delays, delays due to compliance with mandatory local security requirements or other circumstances beyond our control. Determining the routing and mode of transportation of your shipment is our sole responsibility.


Usted nos designa como su representante únicamente para los trámites de despacho y expedición aduaneros de su envío.
Asimismo, usted nos designa como consignatarios de la mercancía en la medida necesaria para que podamos subcontratar esta tarea.
Si cualquier Autoridad Aduanera nos requiriese documentación adicional a estos efectos, es su responsabilidad proporcionárnosla a su cargo y con la mayor celeridad posible.

Usted asegura que todas las declaraciones e información relacionadas con la exportación e importación proporcionadas por usted sobre el envío son precisas y verdaderas.
Reconoce y acepta que al realizar declaraciones falsas o fraudulentas sobre el envío o cualquiera de sus contenidos, se expone a reclamaciones civiles y, si corresponde, a acusaciones penales, con la posibilidad de decomiso y venta de la mercancía. Occasionally and at our discretion, we may assist you in filling out the required customs documentation, but this collaboration is provided under your absolute responsibility and sole risk. You agree to hold us harmless and, if necessary, indemnify us for any claims brought against us due to information provided by you. You will assume and be responsible for the costs we incur in relation to the above, including the processing fees we charge you for the services mentioned in this clause.

El cargador, expedidor y consignatario real del envío serán responsables solidarios del reembolso de aranceles, impuestos (incluyendo el IVA, si corresponde), multas, sanciones, gastos de almacenamiento u otros gastos incurridos por TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. debido a la falta de documentación adecuada proporcionada por usted y/o a la falta de licencia o permiso necesario. The same joint responsibility applies to the processing fees of the claim. You undertake to provide adequate and sufficient guarantee to respond for these concepts at our first request.

9.4. We assume no responsibility for the duration of customs clearance/import/export of the shipment, although we will endeavor to expedite procedures as far as legally possible.

9.5. You authorize Us to exercise all the powers contained in Annex I of the Resolution of March 5, 2015 (BOE No. 65 of March 17, 2015), as indirect representatives for a single customs declaration, with national scope.


En el caso de que no podamos entregar un envío debido a una dirección incorrecta proporcionada en el contrato de transporte, nos comunicaremos con usted y tomaremos medidas razonables para corregir la situación y completar la entrega, cobrando los cargos adicionales que correspondan, si fuera necesario.

10.2. We do not accept shipments addressed to post office boxes, except in certain specific countries (the list is available at the branch of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. that accepts the shipment) and subject to the condition that the recipient’s telephone number is provided to us. In the event that we are unable to deliver the shipment to the post office box, you agree that we may send it to the addressee by registered mail, considering delivery completed upon presentation of the proof of mailing.


En situaciones en las cuales la entrega del envío en su destino no sea factible por cualquier motivo, procuraremos dejar una notificación en la dirección del destinatario indicando que se ha intentado realizar la entrega.
Si después de un segundo intento la entrega no se puede completar, o si el destinatario rechaza el envío, trataremos de comunicarnos con usted para acordar la mejor forma de proceder. The costs of forwarding, return, or disposal, as well as our expenses and charges (if any) generated by the third and subsequent delivery attempts, or any other agreed-upon measure, will be your responsibility. If we do not receive instructions within a reasonable time after the second delivery attempt, you authorize the disposal or sale of the shipment, as we deem appropriate and without any obligation or liability on our part to you.

Special Delivery Instructions:

Usted o el destinatario de un envío pueden proporcionarnos instrucciones especiales (a través del sitio web de TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. u otros medios) para entregar el envío en otra ubicación o a otra persona (por ejemplo, a un vecino y/o a una dirección cercana), o para indicar que el destinatario desea recoger el envío en un lugar aprobado por nosotros. We are not obligated to comply with such instructions, but if we do, the following provisions shall apply:

11.2.1. Effective delivery shall be deemed accredited if our delivery note specifies the person and/or delivery address.

El cumplimiento de sus instrucciones especiales será llevado a cabo a su riesgo y bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad.

En consecuencia, usted nos indemnizará y nos eximirá de responsabilidad frente a cualquier reclamación, responsabilidad y costo (incluidos honorarios razonables de abogados y gastos) derivados del cumplimiento de sus instrucciones especiales.

El cumplimiento de sus instrucciones especiales conllevará un cargo adicional que usted se compromete a abonar.


You represent and warrant the following:

Los detalles del envío (incluyendo, por ejemplo, el peso y cantidad de bultos) están correctamente especificados en nuestra carta de porte, debidamente etiquetados, y las respectivas etiquetas han sido colocadas por usted de manera segura en un lugar visible en la superficie externa del envío, claramente legibles para nosotros en todo momento.

La dirección completa del destinatario, incluyendo el código postal, ha sido proporcionada con precisión y de forma legible tanto en nuestra carta de porte como en una etiqueta de dirección adherida firmemente por usted en un lugar visible de la superficie externa del envío, claramente visible para nosotros en todo momento.

Los contenidos del envío han sido empaquetados de forma segura y cuidadosa por usted para protegerlos de los riesgos normales asociados con el transporte o la realización por nuestra parte de otros servicios; incluidos los procesos asociados con la manipulación mecánica de los mismos (sorting).

Usted ha declarado el peso correcto del envío y nos proporcionará todo el equipo especial que, en su caso, resulte necesario para cargar o descargar el envío en y de nuestros vehículos.

Usted ha adherido firmemente una etiqueta de “PESO PESADO” en un lugar visible de la superficie externa de cada bulto que exceda los 30 kg, claramente legible para nosotros en todo momento.

Los contenidos del envío no están sujetos a restricciones según IATA, ICAO, IMDG o ADR, ni contienen artículos prohibidos, y tanto usted como el consignatario no están prohibidos ni restringidos legal o reglamentariamente para realizar transacciones comerciales con nosotros.

Usted nos proporcionará las declaraciones necesarias sobre mercancías peligrosas, elaboradas de manera precisa y conforme a todas las leyes, normas y regulaciones aplicables.

En caso de que haya solicitado que cobremos al destinatario o a un tercero, y si el destinatario o el tercero no cumple con el pago, usted liquidará nuestra factura en su totalidad de manera oportuna, junto con un cargo administrativo, dentro de los siete días posteriores a la emisión de la factura.

Usted declara que todas las leyes y regulaciones aplicables han sido cumplidas.

Usted ha gestionado por su cuenta, a su riesgo y bajo su exclusiva responsabilidad que toda la documentación referente al envío cumpla la totalidad de los requisitos a que este sometido su transporte.

Usted ha tomado todas las precauciones razonables para cumplir con todas las convenciones, directivas y legislación relativas a la protección personal de datos incluyendo, si es factible, la encriptación de datos personales para garantizar la seguridad de datos personales en caso de pérdida o entrega errónea de un envío.

El valor del envío no superará los 25.000 euros sin su aviso previo por escrito a nosotros.

Usted nos exime de responsabilidad y nos mantendrá indemnes frente a acciones de terceros derivadas de su grado de cumplimiento de las anteriores garantías, compensándonos los daños, perjuicios y gastos, incluyendo costes legales, en los que incurramos respecto a usted o respecto a cualquier otra persona debido a tal motivo.


Con arreglo a lo establecido más abajo en la estipulación 14, nuestra responsabilidad en el marco del transporte se configurará con arreglo a la normativa imperativa vigente en la materia en cada momento. Thus:

Si el transporte de su envío se realiza total o parcialmente por vía aérea y abarca un destino final o una escala intermedia en un país distinto al país de origen, se aplicarán el Convenio de Varsovia de 1929, o el Convenio de Varsovia modificado por el Protocolo de la Haya de 1955 y/o el Protocolo de Montreal Nº 4 de 1975, o la Convención de Montreal de 1999, según corresponda de manera imperativa.
Estos tratados internacionales regulan y limitan nuestra responsabilidad por pérdida, daño o demora en su envío a la suma de 19 derechos especiales de giro por kilogramo.

Si el transporte de su envío se lleva a cabo total o parcialmente por carretera dentro, hacia o desde un país que forma parte de la convención que ampara el contrato de transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera de 1956 (“CMR”), nuestra responsabilidad por pérdida o daño de su envío o parte afectada del mismo se regirá por el CMR y se limita a la cantidad de 6,67 derechos especiales de giro por kilo. In the event of delay where you can prove to us that you have suffered a loss as a result, our liability is limited to reimbursement of the amount you have paid to us as payment for carriage in respect of that shipment or that part thereof which has been delayed.

Si el transporte de su envío se lleva a cabo total o parcialmente por carretera dentro de un país que no es parte del CMR, o entre dos países de los que ninguno sea parte del CMR, nuestra responsabilidad por pérdida o daño de su envío o parte afectada del mismo, se considerará que se regirá por el CMR y se limita a la cantidad de 6,67 derechos especiales de giro por kilo. In the event of delay where you can prove to us that you have suffered a loss as a result, our liability is limited to reimbursement of the amount you have paid to us as payment for carriage in respect of that shipment or that part thereof which has been delayed.

Conforme a lo dispuesto en la cláusula 14 que se detalla más adelante, nuestra responsabilidad en el ámbito del transporte doméstico se regirá por la normativa imperativa vigente en cada momento.
Por ejemplo, en la fecha de publicación de estas condiciones, si el transporte doméstico de su envío se realiza total o parcialmente por carretera, se aplicará la Ley del Contrato de Transporte Terrestre y demás legislación pertinente.

Sujeto a lo establecido en la siguiente cláusula 14, si tuviéramos responsabilidad en relación con otros servicios por cualquier motivo, nuestra responsabilidad hacia usted se limitará en todo caso a 10.000 euros por evento o serie de eventos con una misma causa de daño, o en caso de pérdida o daño en un envío, al valor de mercado más bajo o al costo de reparación del envío o parte afectada, aplicando en ambos casos un límite máximo que no exceda de 3,40 euros por kilogramo con un máximo de 10.000 euros por evento o serie de eventos relacionados.


14.1. We shall not be liable for loss of revenue, loss of profit, depreciation in market value, damage to reputation, loss of clientele, loss of use, or missed business opportunities, even if we are aware that such damages or losses may result, whether by indirect, consequential (such as loss of profit), or any other type of derivative loss, including, among others, breach of contract, negligence, intentional acts, or omissions.

No seremos responsables por incumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones hacia usted como resultado de:

14.2.1. Causes beyond our control such as (but not limited to):

Causes beyond our control, such as (but not limited to): Acts of God, such as earthquakes, cyclones, storms, floods, fires, plagues, fog, ice, etc.; Force majeure, such as wars, accidents, acts of terrorism, strikes, embargoes, atmospheric phenomena, local disputes, or civil unrest; National or local changes in air or land transportation networks and mechanical problems in transportation or machinery; Hidden defects or latent defects in the contents of the shipment; Criminal acts of third parties, such as theft and arson.

14.2.2. Your acts or omissions or those of third parties such as:

Your actions or omissions, or those of third parties, such as: your failure (or that of a third party with a right or interest in the shipment) to comply with your obligations under these terms and conditions, especially the warranties set out in clause 12; actions or omissions of customs, security, airline, airport or government officials or employees.

Inclusión de artículo(s) prohibido(s) en su envío, incluso si hemos aceptado dicho envío por error.

Nuestra negativa a realizar cualquier pago ilegal en su nombre.

14.3 We shall not be liable for damage to the goods caused by insufficient or inadequate packaging, or inadequate stowage.


With respect to products with guaranteed delivery time, if we do not deliver your shipment within the agreed time, and if our failure was not caused by any of the eventualities described in Clause 14.2, and if you notify us of your claim in accordance with item 19, we will charge you for the delivery service we actually provide (e.g. before noon) instead of charging the price quoted for the service you ordered from us (e.g. before 9:00 a.m.).


Valuables such as precious stones, precious metals, jewelry, money, negotiable instruments, unprotected furniture, glass or ceramics, art objects, antiques, and important documents, e.g., passports, stock and stock option offers and certificates, should not be shipped through our transportation network as such a system involves the use of mechanical handling and automated sorting equipment, along with multiple vehicle transfers. If you nevertheless entrust us with the transport of this type of goods and we accept your order, we will carry it out under your responsibility and at your sole risk.


17.1. You have the option to insure the full value of the contents of your shipment (except for documents) by completing the corresponding box on the bill of lading, in cases where this option is available, and paying the corresponding fee to obtain coverage against all risks of loss and damage during transportation, up to a maximum limit of 25,000 euros per shipment. If the value of the shipment exceeds 25,000 euros, you will require our prior consent before purchasing insurance. This insurance does not cover items such as gemstones, precious metals, laptops, plasma or LCD screens, jewelry, cash, glassware, porcelain, artwork, antiques, documents, films, recordings, disks, memory cards, or other data or image-carrying devices. If you decide to ship these types of goods, we recommend that you acquire insurance on your own.

17.2. You may also purchase insurance to cover the costs of reconstruction, reproduction, or reprinting (including materials, such as paper, plus reasonable labor fees) of your documents by completing the corresponding box on the bill of lading, in cases where this option is available, and paying the corresponding fee to obtain coverage against all risks of loss and damage during transportation, up to a maximum limit of 500 euros per shipment. This insurance is only available for certain documents, which are specified on the local website of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. where your shipment is accepted for transportation.

17.3. Please note that the aforementioned insurance options (17.1 and 17.2) (i) do not cover consequential damages (see 13.1) or delays in delivery or where the loss has resulted from a breach of its obligations in respect of these general conditions and (ii) are not available for a limited number of countries. For a list of these countries and/or more information about insurance conditions and coverage, please contact our Customer Service department or consult the local website of the country where TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. accepts your shipment for transport.

17.4 Compensation for loss or damage shall not exceed one-third of the Public Indicator of Multiple Effects/Day per kilogram of gross weight of lost or damaged goods.

17.5 Damages to the goods caused by insufficient or inadequate packaging, or inadequate stowage shall not be covered in any case.


If you wish to make a claim for a lost, damaged, delayed, or otherwise damaged shipment, you must comply with applicable conventions and legislation, and the following procedures or we reserve the right to reject your claim:

18.1. You must inform us of the loss, damage, or delay within a maximum period of 21 days (i) upon receipt of the shipment, (ii) from the scheduled delivery date of the shipment or (iii) from the date of reasonable knowledge of the loss, damage or delay in the case of a claim related to other services. However, in the case of domestic transportation, the claim must be filed within 7 days.

18.2. You must support your claim by providing us with all relevant information about the shipment and the loss, damage, or delay suffered, within a maximum period of 21 days from the notification of your claim.

18.3. We are not obliged to take action on claims until the transportation fee has been paid, and you are not entitled to deduct the claimed amount from said transportation fee.

18.4. The shipment will be presumed to have been delivered in good condition unless the recipient has indicated any damage in our delivery record when accepting the shipment. To consider a claim for damages, both the contents of the shipment and the original packaging must be available to us for inspection.

18.5. Unless otherwise specified in any applicable legal provision, your right to file claims for damages will expire if no action is brought before a court within one year from the receipt of the shipment, from the scheduled delivery date of the shipment, or from the completion of the transportation. If the claim relates to other services, the one-year period will be counted from the date on which you should reasonably be aware of the loss, damage, or delay.

18.6. In the event that we fully or partially accept your claim, you guarantee that your insurance company or any other third party with an interest in the shipment will have waived any right of subrogation or other compensation.

18.7. The shipment will not be considered lost until at least 30 days have elapsed from the day you notify us of the non-delivery. We can agree in writing with you on a shorter term.


19.1. You agree to pay the cost of transportation (including surcharges) between the points indicated in this transport letter, as well as any Value Added Tax levied on transportation, within 7 days from the date of the invoice issued to you, without retention, deduction, or compensation.

Usted renuncia a su derecho de impugnar las facturas si no presenta objeciones por escrito dentro de los 7 días posteriores a la fecha de facturación.

El precio del transporte se calculará con arreglo a nuestras tarifas vigentes, aplicando la que corresponda a su envío o, en su caso, de acuerdo con las tarifas que hayan sido acordadas con usted, de forma particular. Our current rate list is available upon request at any of our offices in the country where the shipment is invoiced.

19.4. We charge based on the actual weight of the shipment or its volumetric weight, whichever is greater; volumetric weight is calculated according to the volumetric conversion equation listed in our tariff schedule. We may verify the weight, volume and/or number of items in your shipment, and if we find a discrepancy between the declared weight and/or volume and/or number of items, you agree that the values determined by us may be used for our calculations.

Todos los derechos de importación, IVA sobre la mercancía y otros cargos relacionados con el envío deben pagarse a la entrega.
Si el destinatario se niega a pagar, usted acuerda abonar la cantidad total dentro de los 7 días posteriores a nuestra notificación de la falta de pago.

19.6. You agree that we may apply interest on unpaid invoices at a rate of 6% above the base rate of the European Central Bank until full payment of the corresponding invoice. You also agree to pay reasonable and appropriate costs associated with the collection of unpaid invoices within 7 days of the billing date.

19.7. The rates for door-to-door deliveries in our current list include a provision for basic customs clearance procedures; we reserve the right to charge an additional administrative fee when customs clearance requires excessive and prolonged work. Therefore, additional charges may apply in countries with complex customs processes, such as formal customs declarations for more than three types of goods, customs bonds, temporary imports, and procedures involving other government departments in addition to the customs authority.

In some countries, we may prepay duties, taxes, penalties or other obligations on behalf of the importer; if we offer this additional service, the final recipient will be responsible for paying a local handling fee, and you will be responsible for paying this fee if the final recipient refuses payment.

If you have instructed a different method of payment or have arranged for the recipient or a third party to pay our fees and/or other charges related to the shipment, and the recipient or such third party rejects payment, you agree to pay such amounts within 7 days of our notification of rejection of payment. In any case, TRANSVOLANDO may refuse to deliver the goods unless payment is properly guaranteed.

19.8. Our fee does not include a copy of the Proof of Delivery (POD) or any other additional documents.

19.9. Where permitted by law, we will use electronic billing as our standard method of invoicing. If paper billing is requested or required, we reserve the right to charge an administrative fee for this service.

19.10. Our invoices must be paid in the currency stated on the invoice or, in some cases, in the local currency calculated on the basis of the exchange rates provided by us.

Nos reservamos el derecho de retención sobre todos los envíos que se encuentren en nuestro poder en cualquier momento, con la posibilidad de vender su contenido y retener el precio obtenido para cubrir cualquier deuda pendiente que usted pueda tener por envíos previamente entregados.


You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from any cost, claim, liability or action arising directly or indirectly from the termination, selective rehiring or transfer of:

20.1. Our employees assigned or engaged in the services we offer you; or

Cualquier empleado o antiguo empleado suyo; o

Cualquier proveedor o antiguo proveedor suyo; o

Cualquier tercero que pueda sobrevenir de la relación comercial entre usted y nosotros, incluyendo, pero no limitándose a, cualquier responsabilidad sobrevenida bajo la Directiva sobre Derechos Adquiridos de la Comunidad Europea (77/187/EEC, modificada por la Directiva 2001/23/EC) o bajo legislación nacional que aplique dicha directiva, o bajo otra legislación laboral de aplicación.


El cliente deberá proporcionar a TRANSVOLANDO los datos completos y actualizados relativos a los nombres y direcciones de sus clientes, quienes son los remitentes y destinatarios de los envíos.

El cliente reconoce que, conforme a estas condiciones, la información de sus clientes (si corresponde) es suministrada a TRANSVOLANDO por el cliente, parte de la cual se relaciona con datos de personas identificables.
El cliente reconoce que TRANSVOLANDO asume su propia responsabilidad en el tratamiento y, por ende, junto con el cliente, será considerado como un responsable del tratamiento de datos (o responsable del tratamiento de datos conjunto).

21.3. It is possible that TRANSVOLANDO may need to share information, including personal data related to the shipment, with the authorities of the country of origin and destination of the shipment, or transit country authorities, for customs and/or security reasons.


22.1. In the event that these terms or conditions are declared invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions of this contract of carriage, these general conditions and the other documents, including the consignment note, which shall remain in force.

22.2. Except as provided by any applicable convention, disputes arising out of or in connection with these general conditions shall be subject to the laws and courts of the country in which the subsidiary, affiliate or branch of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. that has accepted the shipment is located.

22.3. In the event of any dispute arising from the interpretation and execution of these general contracting conditions, both parties shall submit to the Madrid Arbitration Board. If the aforementioned Arbitration Board declares that it has no jurisdiction to hear the matter, the parties shall submit to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

Special conditions for online contracting


1.1. This website is owned by TRANSVOLANDO, SL with VAT number B87450003 and registered address at C/ Empleo, 28 Nave 10 – 28906 Getafe (Madrid – Spain), operating commercially under the brand TRANSVOLANDO, S.L.

Las condiciones particulares de contratación online regulan la relación de venta a distancia entre TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. y el usuario o cliente, de acuerdo con las estipulaciones legales, en especial, la Ley 7/1998, de 13 de abril, sobre Condiciones Generales de Contratación, la Ley 3/2014, de 27 de marzo por la que se modifica el texto refundido de la Ley General para la Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios, el Real Decreto 1906/1999, de 17 de diciembre de 1999, por el que se regula la Contratación Telefónica o Electrónica con condiciones generales, la Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, la Ley 7/1996, de 15 de enero de Ordenación del Comercio Minorista, la Ley 34/2002 de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico, Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales y el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016. These particular conditions shall prevail over the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE in force from time to time in all those aspects that are specific to the aforementioned regulations.

TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. se reserva el derecho a realizar las modificaciones que considere oportunas, sin aviso previo, en las presentes condiciones particulares. Such modifications may be made, through its websites, by any means admissible by law and shall be binding during the time they are published on the website and until they are not validly modified by subsequent ones.

1.4. The purpose of the website is to provide the services described in the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT.

1.5. All content on the website is in Spanish.

1.6. The duration of the contract will be linked to the completion of the contracted service.

1.7. As a user, the customer expressly declares to know, understand, and accept the terms of use and these general contracting conditions. Likewise, you declare that you are of legal age and have the legal capacity and capacity to act necessary to access the websites of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. and contracting through them.


As stated in the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT FULL VERSION 14/02/2024, the liability of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. is legally regulated as mandatory under current transportation laws.


4.1. All services indicate the selling price in Euros and do not include Value Added Tax (VAT).

4.2. If any other tax is applicable, this will be indicated during the application process. Likewise, we recommend that before formalizing any request, visit our Help section to consult the possible requirements for shipping.


The customer may pay for the service in any of the following ways. During the purchase process you will have to indicate your choice:

5.1. Credit card VISA or MASTERCARD

5.1.1. All operations involving the transmission of personal or banking data are carried out using a secure environment, a server based on standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) security technology. All the information you transmit to us travels encrypted through the network.

5.1.2. Likewise, your credit card information is entered directly in the bank’s web page, in the POS (Point of Sale Terminal of the Bank) and is not entered or registered in any TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. server.

5.1.3. When paying by VISA or MASTERCARD, you will always be asked for the following information: the card number, the expiration date, and a Validation Code that matches the last 3 digits of the number printed in italics on the back of your VISA or MASTERCARD, thus offering more guarantees about the security of the transaction.

5.1.4. This payment method is valid only on the web.

5.2. When the amount of a purchase has been charged fraudulently or unduly using the number of a payment card, its holder shall contact the supplier of its Visa or Mastercard, being TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. exempt from any responsibility for such charges.

5.3. However, if the purchase had been effectively made by the card holder and the demand for refund was not a consequence of having exercised the right of withdrawal or resolution and, therefore, had unduly demanded the cancellation of the corresponding charge, the card holder shall be obliged to TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. to compensate the damages caused as a result of such cancellation.


Para adquirir nuestros servicios, usted puede dirigirse al apartado enviar ahora.

6.2. It is a prerequisite that you register as a user of the website. You can make your request through our web section: send now, where you can provide the necessary data for the management of your request and whose registration can be done previously if you are not a TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. customer.

6.3. We inform you that the personal data collected during the registration process and subsequent provision of the service will be incorporated into our computerized files in order to carry out the provision of management services of our commercial activity between our firms, complying with Organic Law 15/1999 on the protection of personal data, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016.

In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, the parties concerned are informed and give their consent to the inclusion of their data in the files, automated or not, existing in TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. duly declared before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), and to the automated processing of them as well as the data to which TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. has access as a result of the consultation, request, or contracting of any service, as well as those obtained through the recording of security cameras located in the offices, and in telephone conversations, for the performance of any necessary management for the provision of the services contracted in accordance with these general conditions and the purposes of management of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. as well as to the transfer of the same to subsidiaries of TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. as well as to collaborating companies, for the purpose of carrying out the contracted service.

In addition to the above, and as provided in the aforementioned Organic Law, you will have the right, at all times, to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the personal data contained in our files. Any of these requests must be made in writing, sending a letter by mail to the following address: TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. C/ Empleo, 28 – Nave 10 – 28906 Getafe – Madrid. Attn Internal Control Department or by email to

Unless you inform us otherwise, we will assume that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any change and that we have your consent to process your data in order to process your invoicing.

6.4. If you are already a TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. customer, you will be able to place your order request by logging in, identifying yourself with the user name and password provided. This data will not be made public. You are responsible for treating confidentially and responsibly the identity and password obtained in the registration as a customer, not being able to transfer them to another. You can modify the registered information at any time, in your customer area. In this same section you will have access to a history of your contracted services. This is only a consultation section, but its management is allowed, and the user can delete those records that he/she considers it is not necessary to view.

6.5. Once the application process has been completed, the customer will receive a confirmation of the application by e-mail. It is imperative that during the order request process the user indicates a valid e-mail address. If within 24 hours from the end of the service you do not receive confirmation, please contact TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. at the customer service phone number 674 34 69 12 or by email at

6.6. Prior to the provision of the service, the customer will receive an e-mail with the confirmation of the requested service.

6.7. The transport costs arising from the execution of the order will be detailed during the order process and in the corresponding invoice. For more information, you should refer to section 19 of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT VERSION 14/02/ 2024, corresponding to Rates and payments.

Once the service has been rendered, the client will receive the corresponding electronic invoice. Pursuant to Article 63 of Law 3/2014 of March 27, 2014, General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, acceptance of these particular contracting conditions also implies acceptance to receive the electronic invoice. You may in any case revoke the consent given to receive the electronic invoice at any time, by sending an email to the email address, and requesting, free of charge, the invoice in paper format, being null and void, what is indicated in section 19.8 of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT VERSION 14/02/ 2024, for these particular conditions of online contracting.

6.8. For the shipment of any goods, you must take into account sections; 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT VERSION 14/02/ 2024.


The delivery times indicated in our publications do not reflect weekends, national holidays, customs delays, delays due to compliance with mandatory local security requirements, or any other eventuality beyond our control. The route and method chosen to transport your shipment will be at our sole discretion.


8.1. The customer may withdraw from the contract until TRANSVOLANDO collects the goods at origin.

8.2. The withdrawal must be made by telephone at the number 674 34 69 12, and must be confirmed by completing the corresponding withdrawal form.

8.3. If the cancellation is validly exercised in accordance with the above, TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. will not collect the goods at origin, but will charge the customer for the shipping and cancellation management costs that have been generated.

Si tras ello, el cliente tuviese derecho a un rembolso parcial, el mismo quedará sometido a un plazo de 14 días naturales desde la fecha del válido ejercicio en tiempo y forma del derecho de desistimiento.

8.5. The customer will not be able to cancel the contract after delivering the shipment to TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. However, in such case, TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. will try to return the shipment to origin, without prejudice to its right to invoice the shipment in full, in addition to the costs associated to the return to origin and management of the extemporaneous cancellation.


9.1.     If the customer wishes to file a claim, they must send an email to the email address”

9.2.            Before formalizing the claim, you should consult sections 18 and 19 of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF TRANSPORT VERSION 14/02/ 2024.


Waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by law, you and TRANSVOLANDO, S.L. agree to submit the differences that may arise regarding the interpretation and fulfillment of these particular conditions of the online contracting to the Transport Arbitration Board of Madrid. If the aforementioned Arbitration Board declares that it does not have jurisdiction to hear the matter, the parties expressly submit (after waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond in Law) to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.