Until very recently, there was no regulation on how to secure cargo on a truck. The only reference we found was in the Reglamento General de Circulación (RD 1428/2003) Art14. and only mentioned “the load must be securely fastened”.

Every day a large number of goods are shipped through our roads, both to cities within our borders and to European cities, and for both individuals and companies. But not everyone is aware of the current situation of road transport in Spain. That is why in Transvolando, as an expert transport company, we have decided to talk to you in these lines about the current state of the transport market in our country.

What is the current situation of road transport in Spain?

Undoubtedly, road transport is one of the main pillars of the Spanish economy, and it is increasingly important that those individuals or companies that need it, can find a serious and professional transport company like ours, which performs its shipments within the required time and with the assurance that their goods are in the best hands. And also with an economical and fair price that satisfies both parties to the agreement.

Are there enough professional carriers?

There is a great demand for road transport solutions, but are there enough professional carriers in Spain? The truth is that in Spain there is a high employment rate, but at the same time, we see that there are not too many carriers, which leads us to stop and think about the reason for this setback.

Road freight transport is more in demand thanks to the growth of foreign trade

Fortunately, road freight transport is more in demand thanks to the growth of foreign trade. A large volume of road transport shipments is currently requested internationally, especially to European Union countries. This allows freight transport in Spain to continue to be a sector of great importance for our economy.

We must ask ourselves why it is so difficult for Spanish companies specializing in freight transport to find professional drivers to meet the needs of the sector.

Perhaps this is because employment conditions in this sector, both for employers and employees, are not entirely favorable. This leads us to think that everyone, including Public Administrations, trade unions and also the customers of this sector, should join forces and reach a consensus with which all parties involved can obtain the desired benefit, whether economic or the provision of a service.

Do you need anything else...?

Sometimes we need the unwritten. If we can answer your questions about our services, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can!


If you are here is because you need a special transport service and we are sure we can do it! Ask us for a free quote and we will get back to you shortly.

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