The unstoppable transformation of transport and logistics

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The inclusion of Big Data in logistics favours a more efficient management of all processes, and above all, a significant optimization translated into profitability and an increase in the number of customers. Taking advantage of all the opportunities offered by the study and analysis of Big Data, and applying it to the current and growing urgent demand, appears the concept of preventive logistics that has brought about a transformation of road transport.

Data analytics already allows predictive logistics to find behavioral patterns and use them as a tool for the management of the entire supply chain. With the possibility to make a forecast of all the factors involved in each process and make the work more efficient by the following points:

The transformation of transportation

Risk detection

The possibilities for predictive management are endless. It offers good data management, applied to logistics, and based on our needs or the problems we want to solve. They are a reliable and important source of data for creating strategies or behaviours that are more cost-effective, faster or more effective. We may detect situations such as the following:

  • Know in advance and specifically the dates of the year when there may be a drop or a sharp increase in logistics demand.
  • Identify the points of a route for a high risk. For example, by the amount of retention that occurs.
  • Recognize the merchandise that requires special care.
  • React efficiently to certain adverse weather situations.
  • Identify faster or smoother routes for certain stages.

Capacity planning

Preventing the logistical capacities of specific demand makes it possible to adapt all technical, material and human factors in order to deal with it only with the necessary resources while minimizing costs. In addition, they do not create gaps and prevent improvised situations.

Hands of a man at the wheel

Protocol planning

Planning of protocols. These maintenance forecasts prevent deterioration and prevent unexpected breakdowns that can lead to very expensive situations.

Advanced shipments

The process can be streamlined from the start. More dynamic and effective management models can be implemented to deliver smoother and faster services.

Analysis from the origin of data

We can have access to a wide and differentiated amount of data on each day. Geolocators, sensors, databases and comprehensive management services are the most important source of data to make the most appropriate decisions. With them, we can create the necessary and personalized strategies to get the most out of our resources and offer the best services to our clients.

How to interpret the transformation of transportation?

It is the key to optimizing the predictive supply chain. There is no point in implementing data collection and computerising all our services without knowing how to use them afterwards. They must be used in the right way in order to be successful. We will reduce costs by gaining a fluidity in our transport, and a greater adaptation to our customers and new markets.

+34 674 346 912


C/ Empleo, 28 Nave 10 28906 Getafe (Madrid – Spain)
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