The Importance of After-Sales

Nine out of ten companies fail in their first years of life. The sales process (also known as after-sales) isn’t just about capture a client and offer you a product and a service and finish that process. But you have to finish the chain and offer a whole experience to the consumer who is satisfied with their purchase or with the service they have purchased.

Many times, it’s not just about knowing how to sell. You have to offer a good customer experience so that they know that they can count on the company at all times and can enrich their expectations and meet their needs.

Companies are supported by the trust that inspire their customers and for the value they bring to them, not only for their products or services. But for the satisfaction they generate and the possible loyalty they can create with these customers which, in turn, generates advertising if they are happy.

A good after-sales can further facilitate a good corporate image vis-à-vis customers and how they see the services offered by a company.

The main problem of after-sales: Not knowing how to sell

The main thing for a company is to have a good team able to sell the products or services they offer, but not only know how to sell them, but know them and believe in them. One of the strengths of sales is paying attention to the customer and knowing how to appreciate what he needs at every moment.

Don’t sell smoke; you need to know that you’re providing a service and a product because they have a need to fulfill. But what can you offer that doesn’t have another company? This is the point, you have to offer added value to the customer, which can be in the after-sales or in customer support while making the purchase. You should keep in mind that the person is listening to you and is getting advice. It t is a very important two-way channel, since there are companies that are implanted in their sales service, since it is not only selling. But advising the customer to be satisfied with the service.

What offers a good after-sales service?

The after-sales service of a company requires time and money on the part of a brand, but it offers great possibilities of loyalty along with a greater increase in sales and improved communication.

A clear example and offers this after-sales service is Transvolando, a transport company in Madrid that aims to strengthen the bond with the customer and improve its after-sales experience in order to cover any need or urgency that may have or arise. That is, before any inconvenience the company is protected and calm without the need to be suspicious.

After-sales service is a fundamental process of a company to increase customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Which in turn offers a good corporate image and is generating continuous improvement in a company.

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