How to Perform Wind Turbine Transport?

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Transporting wind turbines may seem simple, but it is not. If you want to build a wind farm, you have to pay close attention to the transport of wind turbines, as depending on the location of the wind turbines can be a bit complicated.

Wind turbines consist of nacelles, blades and towers. Therefore, their organization during transport is crucial in order to be able to transport the machines to the desired location.

Wind turbine transport is usually carried out by sea to reach the port, and then it continues by road to the wind farm. This process requires vehicles specially designed for this task and roads that can withstand both the weight of these trucks and their large size.

So, how are wind turbines transported?

This transport has to be governed by special permits since we are talking about special trucks and permission must be requested from the traffic authorities.

In the case of the transport of blades, a special permit must be requested since their length exceeds 16 meters according to the General Vehicle Regulations.

In order to be able to travel on the road, these permits must be requested in order to guarantee road safety at all times and avoid damage to infrastructure that could be caused by poor organization of the route or possible dangers for road users.

The three types of authorization are:

Generic authorization

It is used for vehicles with a maximum length of 20.55 m x 3 m wide x 4.5 m high.

The weight cannot exceed 45 tons.

Special authorization

For vehicles whose length increases by 4 meters with respect to the generic authorization.

Its weight cannot exceed 100 tons.

Exceptional authorization

Maximum 5 m wide x 4.5 m high.

The length and weight is the same as the special authorization.

In order to request this type of authorization from the competent traffic authorities, an itinerary must be established, with an origin and destination (points A and B), always identifying the routes to be used and the provinces through which the transport will circulate.

At all times, the competent authorities will choose the most direct and coherent route to be able to make the trip.

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