Contract with Freight Transportation Company

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How to Create a Contract with a Transport Company

When you need to establish a contract with a transport company, it’s essential to formalize all the key details related to the logistics of your cargo. Here are the essential steps to follow:

1. Start the Conversation: Begin by contacting the transport company to discuss your specific needs, such as schedules, types of vehicles, routes, and rates.

2. Service Specifications: Document all aspects of the service, including start and end dates, precise routes, loading and unloading points, schedules, and any relevant details.

3. Rates and Payments: Set the agreed-upon rates, payment deadlines, and penalty clauses in case of non-compliance. Make sure both parties agree to the payment conditions.

4. Responsibilities and Insurance: Specify the responsibilities of both the transport company and your company regarding loading and unloading. Ensure that the appropriate insurance is in place to protect the cargo in transit.

5. Cancellation Terms: Define the conditions under which either party can cancel the contract, including notifications and possible associated costs.

6. Contract Signing: Once all the terms are agreed upon, both parties should sign the contract. Ensure the contract is drafted clearly, and both parties fully understand it.

7. Monitoring and Communication: Maintain open communication during transportation and ensure that the contract terms are met. Regularly track the progress and resolve any issues that may arise.

8. Closure and Payment: Once the cargo has been delivered according to the contract, proceed to close the contract and make the agreed-upon payment.

Contracts with Transport Companies: Specifications and Conditions

Any contract that is made with a transport company comes in relation to the agreements previously agreed either by their specifications of timetables, types of vehicle to be carried out on the route, penalties… In other words, everything that includes the transport that is going to be carried out with the goods.

There are many conditions that can be agreed in a contract, that is why at Transvolando we have created packages that include conditions applicable to each of your needs according to the trip you are going to make with the type of vehicle you need.

The types of packages we can contract are detailed below:

Types of packages in Transvolando's budget

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Contract of parcels in transport company

You can make this contract with Transvolando as a transport company, as it focuses on groupage transport, and is divided into three packages: basic, standard and premium.

Depending on the type of package you choose, it will have some features or others because for example the basic package is recommended only for return trips which are those that must return to the place of origin.

The standard package also has the peculiarity that they are return trucks, but with the difference that they are in different provinces and are diverted to pick up your cargo.

In the case of the premium package, exclusive trucks are used for its cargo, meaning these trucks are specifically hired to transport your cargo. This type of service is typically necessary when the cargo is special. How do we know if cargo is special? Some indicators include:

-Specific Schedule: When the cargo must be delivered or picked up at a particular time.
-Specific Loading/Unloading Requirements: If the cargo requires specific loading or unloading methods that only a particular vehicle can provide.

-Specific Loading/Unloading Requirements: If the cargo requires specific loading or unloading methods that only a particular vehicle can provide.

You can look for a contract with a transport company, but at Transvolando we offer you on our terms to choose one of the three packages that best suit your needs.

Depending on the type of vehicle you are going to use you will have some conditions or others, as they change whether you are going to use a tauliner, a rigid or a gondola truck.

Why trust Transvolando?

Not only do we offer you transport, but we also offer you a service.

  • Personalized attention
  • Order tracking to be informed in real time
  • Order processing and assistance in everything necessary to guarantee the highest guarantee and make the work easier for our customers
  • Notifications by email of the collection and delivery of the goods
  • Cloud storage service for bills of sale, certificates, invoices, permits…

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