Transportation, a sector in constant growth

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The freight transportation sector has had an increase in the economy thanks to the gradual growth it has experienced in recent years. This is due to the change in the way consumers shop and the emergence of e-commerce, which is one of the main factors behind its steady growth.

At the national level, the transport and logistics sector has more than one million jobs, which has grown by 2.7% according to the INE in the last year, and represents 8% of the GDP and 12% of the Gross Value Added in the services sector.

What does logistics represent in economic growth?

Logistics is essential for economic growth, especially in e-commerce. Convenience and home delivery generate demand, and large brands rely on the satisfaction of the end consumer. In this context, it is crucial to have an efficient freight transportation network.

Thanks to the growth in this sector, it is no longer necessary to maintain logistics points in each area, as it is possible to take advantage of the logistics capacity of transportation companies to distribute products from a single platform. This is especially beneficial with groupage transport services, which allow for efficient delivery to any location on the peninsula.

The rise of e-commerce and wholesale sales has created this need. Therefore, it is essential that major brands have transportation companies in Madrid and other industrial hubs for efficient distribution of goods. The satisfaction of the end customer depends on it.

How important is the transportation sector in our economy?

The logistics sector is a strategic component of the Spanish economy. According to data from the Ministry of Transport as of August 2021, there were 120,069 authorizations for movements in freight transport.

During last year’s lockdown, e-commerce found a fundamental ally in transportation. While many establishments were closed, products continued to reach consumers, including products from the food industry.

This growth, along with recent trends, predicts significant growth in Spanish logistics and further expansion of e-commerce. The goal is to provide an even more efficient service to the end consumer.

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