How to obtain the goods transport card?

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The goods transport card allows the holder to transport goods to be produced by road. It is required for all vehicles or trucks that are to work for hire or reward and have a maximum permissible mass exceeding 2 tons.

For vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of more than 2 tons, a transport management card may be required.

Types of freight transport cards

There are two types of freight transport cards:

Light Transportation Card (also known as CDM)

This goods transport card is used for light vehicles, i.e. all those with a weight of more than 2,000 kg and a maximum payload of 3,500 kg.

In order to have this type of goods transport card, the following requirements must be met:

  • Owning a vehicle less than 5 months old since first registration
  • Be registered with the Tax Authorities and Social Security and be up to date with your payments

If the vehicle exceeds the maximum authorized mass of 3,500 kg, it must have the following documentation:

  • Possession of the title of professional training in transportation.
  • Financial solvency (minimum €9,000)
  • Requirement of honorability, i.e., this is a requirement of the regulations in force to be able to exercise the public transport activity.

Heavy Transport Card (also known as MDP)

This goods transport card is used by those vehicles that have a payload greater than 3,500 kg, which must be carried with the following conditions already established:

  • Own 3 vehicles of 60 tons of payload less than 5 months old since first registration
  • Be registered with the Tax Authorities and Social Security and be up to date with your payments
  • Professional training degree in transportation
  • Financial solvency (19.000€)
  • Honorability obligation

How to get a freight transport card?

Depending on the type of goods to be transported and the type of transport itself, there are different types of cards to apply for:

  • National CDM: Vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of less than 3.5 tons and that provide their services at national level for the transport of goods and on behalf of others.
  • National MDP: This is for vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of less than 5.5 tons that provide services nationwide.
  • National MPC: Vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of less than 3.5 tons and that provide their services at national level for the transportation of goods and for their own account.
  • Autonomous MDL: With this card it is possible to carry out transports at autonomous region level.

What are the requirements to obtain a freight transport card?

The requirements according to the Dirección General de Tráfico to obtain the merchandise transport card are the following:

  • Spanish nationality or the nationality of a member state of the European Union (accredited by means of the NIF).
  • To have its own independent legal personality, i.e., to have a tax domicile in Spain.
  • Owned vehicles, leasing, etc.
  • Comply with the tax, labor and social obligations of the legislation in force at all times.
  • Electronic signature
  • Not to be holder of MPC, that is to say, cards of private transport of goods.

What is the procedure to obtain a freight transport card?

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Application (or modification) of the authorization of the goods transport card.
  • Evaluation process.
  • Remediation process
  • Subsidies
  • Notification of the result.

All these procedures can be carried out telematically if you have an electronic signature and the aforementioned documentation in force.

Which vehicles are exempted from the goods transport card?

The exempted vehicles are listed in article 33 of the ROTT, but we indicate them below:

  • Vehicles with a maximum speed of 40 km/h in transport
  • Transfers of luggage transported by trailers intended for passenger transport.
  • Transport that is carried out in vehicles whose structure is always attached to a certain machine, such as a crane, for example.
  • Transportation of medical devices or medicines in emergency situations or cases of urgent assistance.
  • Transportation of goods by vehicles with a maximum authorized mass of less than 2 tons.
  • Transfers that take place in practical classes of the Certificate of Professional Aptitude for drivers, also known as CAP.

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