Autonomous Driving in Freight Transportation?

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We like to keep up to date with the latest developments in our industry, and of course, tell you about them in our blog. That’s why today we’re talking about a hot topic: autonomous driving in freight transport.

Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds; in the transportation sector we are seeing new advantages that benefit both companies and users. Today there are smarter vehicles and innovative machinery that allow carriers to work with more quality and efficiency.

All these new features make day-to-day freight transport easier. But there is no doubt that, for technological innovations to be of real benefit to all, they must be integrated safely and gradually.

Autonomous Driving, a Challenge?

All of this begs the question regarding autonomous driving: Is it a challenge for freight forwarders? Undoubtedly, in order to answer this question, several factors must be taken into account.

In the case of our country, the freight transport sector is made up of more than 30,000 companies, of which more than 95% are engaged in road transport. This translates to the fact that autonomous driving, in the future, could undermine a large number of carriers. Especially because they do not obtain a high profit margin; an aspect that is related to the fact that of this high percentage of road transport companies, the majority are micro-enterprises.

Continuing with the percentages, approximately a quarter of the total number of freight transport companies in Spain is made up of small companies. Then, 4% are medium-sized companies, and only 1% are large transport companies.

Can autonomous vehicles replace chauffeur-driven freight service?

At this point, can autonomous vehicles replace chauffeur-driven freight services?

It is likely that in many years’ time, drivers of goods vehicles will be giving way to autonomous driving. Although safety systems of the highest reliability will be needed in order to rely on driverless vehicles.

At present, it is not feasible to use autonomous vehicles to deliver goods; as much as technology has advanced, nothing can yet replace a carrier for the transport of goods by road.

In addition, autonomous driving also requires the renewal of current infrastructures, which entails a large investment and a detailed study of new systems that offer quality and safe solutions.

At Transvolando, for the time being, we continue to update and improve ourselves to offer the best road freight transport service.

Contact us:

+34 674 346 912

C/ Empleo, 28 Nave 10 28906 – Getafe (Madrid, Spain)
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