The 6 most beautiful road routes to get lost in Spain

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Do you like to drive? We do, and that’s why we propose 6 road routes that you can do in Spain, without getting out of the car. Of course, you will have to overcome the temptation to venture into places with unforgettable landscapes and trails.

Road Routes

1- From Estaca de Bares and Vicedeo to Cabo Vilán. Death Coast, La Coruña

Seascape with a monument

In 1896, the first electric lighthouse was built in Spain. It was not a mere coincidence, it is located in Cabo de Vilán, in the Costa da Morte, where six years earlier, more than 170 crew members had died in the tragedy of the HSM Serpent in Punta de Boi. Its very name and appearance is synonymous with extremes and risks. It is an area very shaken by storms and catastrophes, but at the same time, one of the most beautiful places to visit.

Choosing a small detour to the north, Vicedeo road, we find Cape Estaca de Bares, the northernmost point of the country.

2- From Cervera de Buitrago to Robledillo de la Jara. Route of the Marshes, Madrid.

Pinilla reservoir surrounded by a city

Separating the two Castillas, and in the north of Madrid, we can enjoy real places with charm. We will come to Hayedo de Montejo, one of the southernmost beech forests in Europe, passing through Buitrago de Lozoya, a village that preserves its walled enclosure intact, and the grandiose Pinilla reservoir, which dates from the 19th century. To close the route with breathtaking panoramic views, we will reach the Garganta de los Montes, in the Sierra de Guadarrama.

3- From Cain to Poncebos, Ruta del Cares, Asturias-León

Cares Route: Landscape with rocks

Located in the Picos de Europa National Park. The gorge of the Cares River, with wonderful sites such as the Garganta Divina (Divine Gorge). The roads are narrow and provide the driver with majestic views and breathtaking cliffs.

4- From Tornavacas to Plasencia. Jerte Valley, Cáceres

Creek with rocks around it

Multiple roads are found winding to the rhythm of the Jerte River. Natural gorges open up between the mountains, offering the driver splendid surroundings that are almost always difficult to pass without stopping.

Villages such as Casas de Castañar, Navaconejo, Cabezuela del Valle and Jerte. Natural areas such as La Garganta de los Infiernos, and constructions such as the Plasencia reservoir and the Puerto de Tornavacas, will take your breath away.

5- From Mérida to Astorga, Ruta de la Plata. Cáceres – Palencia – Salamanca – León

Ruta de la Plata: Ruins

From the historic Ruta de la Plata, the authentic one. The appearance of the Merida-Astorga route was purely commercial, to transport metals from the center to the north of Spain. Later, the Romans extended it from Malaga to Gijon. It is now a route that combines Roman treasures, rivers, and crossings of extraordinary beauty to be discovered while traveling by road.

6- From Besalú to Pamplona. Pyrenees Route. Pamplona – Huesca- Girona

Village of the Pyrenees Route

This route practically covers the Pyrenees from beginning to end. From the Sierra de Montgrony, passing just below Andorra la Bella and surrounding the Parc Nacional d’Aigüestortes, we enter fully into the Aragonese Pyrenees. We find there, the Esera river that guides our way to take the Ara in Ainsa, to Biescas, where we meet the Gállego river, which leads us to visit the incredible views of the Valles Occidentales Natural Park, until we enter Navarra. We close the route in Pamplona, leaving the possibility of exploiting France for those brave enough to complete the feat. That’s up to you.

7- From Cuenca to Albarracín. Cuenca – Teruel

Cuenca Mountains

This area hides impressive charms that can be explored from the car, with obligatory punctual stops in spectacular locations. From the hanging houses in Cuenca, following the meandering of the Júcar river, we reach the source of the Cuervo and Tajo rivers . Entering then, in the Sierra de Albarracín and closing the trip in Albarracín, one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, in Teruel.

Other road routes in Spain

In this post we have told you about some of the wonderful road routes that you can do in our country. There are many others that can be done in any season of the year. The Mediterranean routes are excellent in spring and summer. You can enjoy trips along the Cantabrian coast in autumn and enjoy its incredible vegetation.

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