Modular Vehicle Transport

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What are modular vehicles? Modular vehicles are designed for the transportation of heavy cargo using highly versatile vehicles.

What is a megatruck? A megatruck is a large articulated vehicle consisting of a tractor unit with a trailer that is 7.8 meters long and an additional trailer that is 13.6 meters long.

What is a double trailer? A double trailer is a set of vehicles originating from Nordic regions, which are used to transport goods with a length of 31.75 meters and a maximum authorized weight of 70 tons.

Pourquoi amener cette nouvelle façon de conduire en Espagne ? La DGT souhaitait mettre en œuvre un nouveau projet expérimental pour autoriser la circulation des clients avec ces camions à des fins de test et de recherche.

This type of vehicle competes with the megatruck category, which is legal in Spain. Les mégatrailers ont plus de 6 essieux, 25,25 m de long et 60 tonnes MMA. However, this vehicle also requires special authorization, as mentioned in previous posts.

What are the advantages of modular vehicles?

Les avantages offerts par ce type de véhicule sont les suivants :

  • Réduction des coûts, avec des économies de carburant de 25 %.
  • Meilleure répartition du poids par ess ieu avec une répartition totale de 70 tonnes par essieu
  • Réduction des émissions deCO2 par tonne-km
  • Réduction des émissions sonores
  • Moins de véhicules sur les routes
  • Augmentation de la quantité de marchandises à transporter, ainsi que du volume à transporter
  • Les tracteurs continuent d’être utilisés, sans changement
  • Aucun investissement coûteux n’est nécessaire
  • Possibilité de combiner avec le transport ferroviaire

Que pense le secteur des transports du transport modulaire de véhicules ?

In an effort to promote the use of megatrucks, the International Road Transport Union (IRU) aims to drive decarbonization by introducing regulations for cross-border operations, something that has not yet been fully implemented in the European Union.

A megatruck carries significantly more cargo than a standard vehicle, so if two megatrucks are used instead of three traditional vehicles for a journey, not only the number of vehicles on the road is reduced, but fuel consumption per kilometer is also reduced. Cette consommation peut être réduite jusqu’à 35 %, en fonction de divers facteurs tels que le poids et les conditions défavorables.

This means that, if the use of modular vehicle transport is gradually increased by 30%, it will be possible to reduce CO2 emissions by a total of 237 million tons annually.

According to the IRU, with road freight transport, if the adoption of these modular vehicles is tripled by 2050, emissions could increase to a total of 700 million tons.

Mise en œuvre de véhicules modulaires en Espagne

Actuellement, plus de 1 000 mégacamions circulent sur les routes nationales. And over 100 double trailers are operating on Spanish roads.

In Spain, the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT) conducts strict and rigorous monitoring of research projects involving modular vehicles carried out by universities and R&D laboratories. Through this, they obtain clear and meaningful data about emissions, routes, fuel consumption, and itineraries.

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